Happy me
In 2003, when I founded my first communication agency I tried to make my customers happy by creating their organizational stories and communication. More and more my clients asked me to help in search, find and formulate their purpose. I did a good job and I had fun. But after a while I was not sure of the results I achieved. Eventually I did my job especially for the people in the organization and who were really happier with what I did? Did organizations really outperform through the stories I wrote and the communication that I developed? Of course good communication contributed to greater happiness@work, but there is more: culture, HR, connection, attention, passion, (personal) leadership, results, wholeness, etc. etc. That’s why I went further to explore the field of happiness@work and founded, along with Fennande van der Meulen, Happy Office.
With our knowledge, experience and network we see it as our mission to put happiness@work on as much corporatie agenda’ s as possible. Research shows time and again that happy people perform better. So by inspiring people how to be or become happy, we ensure organizations to perform better.
A few facts & figures
Born on February 21, 1970 in Zevenaar
Living in Loosdrecht with husband and son
Education: University (Communications, Organizational culture & management, Internal communications) and lots of courses on several subjects (f.e. return of happiness and happiness@work coach)
Besides work: running, hiking, crossfit, snowboarding, bootcamp, traveling, playing games, reading, talking, friends & family