I’m working for 20 years in french National Institute of Statistics where I try to change the Public sector from inside. I love listening, learning & sharing. My main center of interests are Agile mindset, lean, management & agile leadership & serious games. I’m certified ICAgile Certified Professional – Business Agility Foundations (ICP-BAF)
I co-organize conferences : Agile France, FlowCon & heart of Agile Paris. I’m aloso taking care of meetups, like AgileLeanPublic for members or stakeholders of projects in the Administration.
I was speaker in those conferences :
– Agile France 2017 (“How to agilify the top of the waterfall ?”), 2018 (“Circular design”) et 2019 (“Yes, my lord CEO”),
– Lean Kanban France 2017,
– MiXiT 2019,
– Lean startup day 2018 (“Agility seen as a product”),
– Agile in Seine 2018 & 2019 (“Augmented management”).
I also have talk during lunch break (brown Bag Lunch) and I participate in Think Tanks around scaled agile or new ways of managing.
My interests in 2019 : the notion of “boundaries” in an organization, the resulting loss of energy, the new role of the manager and HRD, the culture of excellence, trust, building right questions through design methodology…